
Why a Business Confidence Survey?

Understanding business confidence is important because it provides insight into the current and future state of the global economy.

A high level of business confidence indicates that businesses are optimistic about the future and are likely to invest, hire and expand, which can lead to economic growth. On the other hand, low business confidence can signal that businesses are hesitant to invest, hire and expand, which can result in a slowdown or contraction of the economy.

Who Uses The Statistical Results?

Policy Makers

Given the frequent (sometime unpredictable) changes of the domestic and global economy, it is essential to build a set of ``on the ground`` indicators to serve the Government for macroeconomic management purposes. By tracking changes in business confidence, policymakers can make informed decisions and take actions to promote economic stability and growth.

Business Executives

Understanding the larger economic and business trends can help business owners and senior executives make informed decisions and adjust their sales, growth, investment, hiring, and procurement strategies accordingly.

Industry Associations

Industry organizations can evaluate the affect of macro and micro-economic policies on their constituents and gain a better understanding of inflationary causes, the expectations on the power of prices and impacts of price on demand, as well as the economic prospects of their industry as a whole.

  • The International Trade Council serves government trade and investment agencies, industry associations, chambers of commerce, and corporations involved in international trade.

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  • Why a business confidence survey?

    Monitoring business confidence levels is important as it is a key barometer and a leading indicator of business conditions and the overall health of the economy.

    By tracking changes in business confidence, policymakers and investors can make informed decisions and take actions to promote economic stability and growth.

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